The unofficial addition of the Ophiuchus and Cetus constellations altered the dates of the other 12 zodiac signs already known, causing some people to change their sign for the new year.
“Due to gravitational effects from the sun, the North Pole doesn’t point in quite the same direction anymore, meaning that different dates correspond to different constellations,” Joshua James, the author of the Joshua James blog, said.
Because the Earth’s axis continues to change, it causes the stars to change as well, which is why the zodiac sign dates gradually change over time. In other words, the relationship between the view of constellations from Earth is directly related to the tilt of Earth’s axis. According to James, the tilt of Earth’s axis is currently 23.4 degrees, and it progressively decreases every 41,000 years.
“If you were born somewhere between November 30 and December 18, chances are the sun was in the constellation Ophiuchus. Therefore, your ‘sign’ should be Ophiuchus,” Bruce McClure, the author of an earthsky.org article about the Ophiuchus constellation, said.
One of the two constellations that were added to the list of zodiac signs is Ophiuchus. This “new” zodiac sign comes from the ancient Greek word ophioûkhos, which means “serpent-bearer” and represents a man holding a snake. There are 10 main stars in the constellation, but depending on where people live, the structure or figure could change.
Although some people do not believe that zodiac signs influence personality traits or the compatibility between signs, others believe they do. The personality traits of Ophiuchus are passionate, curious, humorous, and a little self-absorbed.
“According to astrologists, the Ophiuchus star sign is most compatible with Pisces,” Joshua James, the author of the Joshua James blog, said.
Even though some people think that zodiac signs do not relate to the compatibility that two people have with each other, Pisces is the most compatible with Ophiuchus. In addition, the dates for the Ophiuchus star are more official; on the other hand, the dates for the star Cetus vary depending on the source.
On the contrary, the dates for the zodiac sign Cetus vary between sources and seem to be a controversial topic among many astrologists.

“Cetus: March 28 – March 29,” Dani Hidalgo, the author of the MARCA article, said.
Hidalgo explained how this zodiac sign only lasts for one day, while other articles state different dates for the Cetus constellation.
“The dates are 5/12 – 6/6…and [Cetus] is located between Aries and Pisces” the author of an Astrology Wiki article said.
Even though the dates for the Cetus zodiac sign are not officially confirmed, it was established that it falls between February and March, due to the dates of Aries and Pisces.
“Cetus is compatible with water signs and fire signs,” Hidalgo said.
Regarding the compatibility people with Cetus signs have with others, many people stated how Cetus signs have good relations with Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius signs. Furthermore, the name of this zodiac sign comes from a sea monster in Greek mythology and represents a whale. There are 14 main stars, and Cetus can be seen in the sky with other water-related constellations.
Ultimately, although there is controversy over the dates involving the zodiac sign Cetus, most scientists confirm the addition of these two zodiac signs Ophiuchus and Cetus.