Students Take on Challenge of Teaching

Students Take on Challenge of Teaching

Jacob Kauderer, staff writer

Senior switch is an event at Northern Valley Demarest where seniors take up the role of a teacher for one day. 

Last Friday, students walked, talked, and taught like their favorite teachers. Students signed up for senior switch by handing in a form that included their signature and their teachers’ signature to class advisors.  Up to two students were allowed to teach each class. 

Seniors Riley Renke and Tay Lee switched with Accounting, International Business Honors, and Entrepreneurship teacher Mr. Shaffsick. 

For Mr. Shaffsick, he values seeing how his students view him as a teacher. 

“I like to see how the students see me. I think that’s the best part. The way we see ourselves is not the same as the rest of the world sees us. Seeing how students view me as a teacher can help me become a better teacher. They dressed like me, they used articles, they used my dialect style,” Shaffsick said. 

Mr. Shaffsick enjoys the lighthearted nature of senior switch day.

 “Yeah, it is meant to be fun. It is an opportunity for the students to have a laugh at the teacher without feeling hurt. Riley and Tay put some real thought into it before which helped make the experience so fun,” Shaffsick said. 

Senior Tay Lee enjoyed seeing students that she wouldn’t normally see.

“My favorite part of senior switch was seeing all of Mr. Shaffsick’s classes and seeing all of the students that I don’t normally get to see,” Lee said.

Overall, senior switch is a fun and unique opportunity for students to get some semblance of what it is like to be a teacher.