It’s safe to say that apps we know and love such as Instagram, Snapchat, and Tik Tok have turned into one big ad and it’s tiring.
We used to be able to scroll through and just watch funny and relatable content, but now that people have gained a large following they have been titled “influencers.” These influencers are now making a career out of social media from the viewer’s engagement.
Most of us have our favorite creators that we trust and enjoy watching. But as of recently, I feel like brand deals and ads have been taken to another level.
I can’t even scroll without an influencer promoting a new weight loss supplement or green juice product they all swear by! But c’mon, how many green juices are you drinking regularly that effectively work?
Since the TikTok shop was released, almost everyone has been trying to get commissions on products by posting videos about how everyone needs this clothing item or that beauty product.
Overconsumption is a real issue that is becoming normalized. I can say this because I feel like I fall into the trap of trying to buy the newest lip balm or sweatpants. But after a while, how many of the same tinted lip balms do we really need?
Most influencers that you follow and stand by do not use the products they promote, they just want to make a quick check. This frustrates loyal fans, like myself, who feel like the influencer doesn’t care about promoting useful products to their fanbase.
People who are benefiting from brand partnerships probably feel the opposite and are flourishing with this content.
Every time I see a paid partnership, I usually just scroll past it because almost every post is now an ad. I miss when TikTok was actually funny and enjoyable to scroll through, but when I go on the app it literally feels like I’m shopping.
It’s one thing to partner with brands that you love and use. But now every time I scroll, I can’t go without seeing a paid partnership that is clearly scripted and not legit.