Boys volleyball finally becomes an official team

Julia Reyes and Ava McLaughlin

Together, NVD and NVOT were able to create their own boys volleyball team, which started as just a small club last year. The team gained a lot of popularity, eventually becoming a junior varsity team. 

Founder Eric Hwang started the team to represent high school boys who want to play volleyball. Eric was able to get 30-35 students between the two schools to join and represent the team. 

The organizer of the team, Beth Powell, is also the girls varsity volleyball coach at NVD, and is now trying to find a coach for the boys volleyball team.

 “I’m hoping to find someone who will be the actual paid coach and start a program and be here for years and make it really go” Powell said.

The team hopes to start practices soon but still needs a full-time coach. Representation has been the number one priority in making this happen. 

“I want all kinds of people to try volleyball and experience the fun that I have when playing,”  Hwang said.

At first, it was hard getting the team started. Current members wrote a petition to push for the creation of the team. 

“Every year the boys come in and say can we have a team, can we have a team and they’ve always said no, no, no,” Powell said 

Those students continued to the athletic director and board of education and finally got the boys team approved. They were able to get about 35 signatures to make it a club last year, but they still wanted to push for their own team.

 “We did a club this past season that had great attendance, and the boys were really really gung-ho and wanted it to happen, and they’re really the ones who got it going,” Powell said. 

Everyone involved has worked hard to get practices started for the boys team. 

“This year it’s going to be a JV program, and then hopefully it will move to a varsity program the following year,” Powell said.