Express Lunch Line Set to Reopen

Jonah King, Staff Writer

A second “express” lunch line is set to open again within the next few weeks, according to NVD cafeteria staff.

Since the beginning of this school year, the lunch line has operated as a single queue entering through one door, and later diverging into two separate lines to order food.

Yet, as some students may recall, it has not always been this way. Two doors allowed two separate lunch lines to form along the D hallway, reducing congestion and freeing up space.

NVD can expect the express line to reopen within the next few weeks according to head cafeteria employee Lauren Baric. Baric, along with all NVD cafeteria workers, is employed by school lunch catering service Pomptonian, which is contracted by the Board of Education to serve the student body and manage the cafeteria space.

“It’ll probably not be open during the full lunch period, but will be open as long as we need it for,” Baric said. “It’s gonna be a quick, grab and go lunch.”

The express line comes amid significant congestion in the D hallway, as students wait in a single line for copious amounts of time to order their lunch. Junior Max Glassman had a few choice words about the current line.

“It’s really long, it’s gross, and it’s musty”, and “takes up half our lunch time,” Glassman said.

Another junior, Hugo Gardner, called the current system “too hot, and too crowded,” voicing annoyance at line skippers and packed queues.

Both students expressed excitement and relief when informed about the new line.

Further down the agenda, according to Ms. Baric, even more new lunch options may become available, including the opening of a new “deli bar.”

Due to staffing shortages during the height of COVID-19, Pomptonian had to roll back many of its lunch programs.

However, Baric is “very optimistic” about the upcoming deli bar, which would include a “create your own sandwich” option, and will “hopefully be open before the end of the year,” said Baric.

Administration continues to work with Pomptonian to resolve congestion issues, and improve the lunch system. Priority one, according to Vice Principal Johnson, is the provision of the express line to “alleviate” an overcrowded lunch column.

NVD seeks to provide students with “more avenues to purchase foods,” Johnson said.