Reed Kauderer is a notable player for Northern Valley Demarest’s football team this season, showcasing his talent and aiding in the season’s 8-1 record. His accomplishment of scoring 30 touchdowns and rushing over 1700 yards displays his athletic capabilities. Kauderer is a top athlete in North Jersey, having been nominated for Player of the Week in the state.
Kauderer’s role in helping his team succeed is essential. Kauderer helped aid his team go undefeated in the normal season. Kauderer’s versatility to make defensive stops and offensive runs with the ball to score touchdowns makes him an important team player.
“I contribute to my [team’s] success by playing my role on offense and defense. As long as everybody does their job we win games,” Kauderer said.
Preparation on and off the field before a game is crucial for Kauderer’s success. His great work ethic and ability to be prepared for each game demonstrates his commitment.
“I prepare for a game by having a great week of practice prior to the game and watching film all week. I also get my body fully recovered before every game to be fresh,” Kauderer said.
This season the football team acquired a new head coach after their challenging season the previous year.
“This year we have something to prove, we struggled with a new coaching staff in the beginning but nobody’s new around here everybody’s ready and it helps having familiar faces on the coaching staff,” Kauderer said.
During the offseason, Kauderer works hard, dedicating lots of time to training so that he is in top shape for the season. As a result of his persistent commitment to improving during the off-season, he had a successful junior year.
“I spent all offseason lifting and training with my two friends Jalil and DJ. We helped each other improve and now we are all succeeding,” Kauderer said.
Looking into the future, Kauderer’s goal is to build on the success he had this season and carry that momentum into his senior year. Kauderer wants to continue playing football in college.

(Photo Courtesy: Shalev Adler – @nvdsports)
“My goals are to play division 1 football and keep doing well this season and the following,” Kauderer said.