Senior Service Explained

Ava McLaughlin, Staff Writer

Senior service, (also known as WBL: Work Based Learning) is something that NVD offers for seniors and is an opportunity for them to gain exposure in a career field that interests them. They are able to spend time at a specific workplace and volunteer by either shadowing someone in the workplace, or work as an unpaid internship. By offering up this opportunity, it gives them hands-on-experience with a specific career field. WBL begins after AP exams toward the middle of May. 

Not everyone chooses to do WBL, but Susan Nyfenger chose to do her service at Tenakill Middle School. 

“I remember being in middle and elementary school and seeing all the seniors who returned to their former teachers to help organize and prepare their classrooms, as well as collaborate with the students on projects and assignments,” Nyfenger said. “I’m excited to now be that senior because I find that being able to form those connections and build interpersonal skills are extremely important for the next stages of my life and entering the workforce.” 

Nyfenger describes WBL as a breath of fresh air after final exams. It provides a change of course and an expansion of social skills. Seniors may also get the opportunity to work or intern in a career field that will give them some work experience before college. However, if they choose to do Senior service, they have to make sure they don’t have too many lates or absences in order to participate in the program. 

“ It was a bit difficult to make the decision to go to Tenakill since there are many options to choose from. All of my friends are pursuing their own unique careers and are using Senior Service as a great opportunity to kickstart them,” Nyfenger said. 

In the end, Nyfenger thinks this would be a good opportunity for all.